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دانلود کتاب معدنی Inorganic Structural Chemistry

ویرایش دوم


عنوان کتاب: Inorganic Structural Chemistry

عناوین مطالب این کتاب:


Description of Chemical Structures


Polymorphism and Phase Transitions

Chemical Bonding and Lattice Energy

The Effective Size of Atoms

Ionic Compounds

Molecular Structures I: Compounds of Main Group Elements

Molecular Structures II: Compounds of Transition Metals

Molecular Orbital Theory and Chemical Bonding in Solids

The Element Structures of the Nonmetals

Diamond-like Structures

Polyanionic and Polycationic Compounds. Zintl Phases

Packings of Spheres. Metal Structures

The Sphere-packing Principle for Compounds

Linked Polyhedra

Packings of Spheres with Occupied Interstices

Symmetry as the Organizing Principle for Crystal Structures

Physical Properties of Solids


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